Linux Command Line Client

Download ACME client

You can download Peeringhub's ACME client from:


Install app dependencies:

# dnf install curl openssl libuuid

Deploy the program:

$ tar -xvf dnl_acme_client.tar.gz


ACME client uses configuration file ./acme_client.conf:

  • server_url - ACME server URL (

  • kid - Any human-readable string, which can identify the client (e.g. Company Name)

  • pa_user_id - Iconectiv login

  • pa_password - Iconectiv password

Certificate creation

  1. Create EC private key:

openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out ./private_key.pem
  1. Get SPC from Iconectiv (if do not have one):

If server doesn't have a white-listed at Iconectiv IP address, ACME client cannot generate SPC tokens, required to prove ownership of SP account. In that case, you must use SPC token file, acquired from a different server, and skip this step.

gen_spc [--ca] {EC key path} {OCN}

- --ca - whether to create SPC for SCA or a regular SP certificate
- {EC key path} - path to EC private key, generated in the first step
- {OCN} - Iconectiv Service Provider account ID (4 alnum characters, e.g. 123H)

For regular SP certificate:

./dnl_acme_client -c ./acme_client.conf gen_spc ./private_key.pem 123H > ./123H.spc

For SCA certificate:

./dnl_acme_client -c ./acme_client.conf gen_spc --ca ./private_key.pem 123H > ./123H_CA.spc
  1. Create a new certificate order:

new_order [--ca] [--spc {SPC file path}] {EC key path} {OCN} {not_before} {not_after} {subject parameters}

- --ca - (optional) if set, order SCA certificate, otherwise order a regular SP certificate
- --spc - (optional) path to SPC file, generated in step 2. If not set, a new SPC will be requested from Iconectiv
- {EC key path} - path to EC private key, generated in the first step
- {OCN} - Iconectiv Service Provider account ID (4 alnum characters, e.g. 123H)
- {not_before} - (optional) certificate start date.  This is a timestamp value.
- {not_after} - (optional) certificate expiration date. This is a timestamp value.

Subject parameters:
  C={country} - mandatory (must be US)
  S={state} - optional
  L={locality} (e.g. city) - optional
  O={organization} - mandatory
  OU={organization unit} - optional
  CN={common name} - mandatory

Your "O" and "CN" values must be unique. STI certificates shall include a Subject field containing a Distinguished Name (DN), which is unique for each subject entity certified under one CA issuer identity, as specified in RFC 5280 [Ref 11].

6.4.1 STI Certificate Requirements

This section defines the STI Certificate profile that shall be supported by SHAKEN-compliant STI-CAs and Service Providers.


STI certificates shall include a Subject field containing a Distinguished Name (DN), which is unique for each subject entity certified under one CA issuer identity, as specified in RFC 5280 [Ref 11]. The DN shall contain a Country (C=) attribute, a Common Name (CN=) attribute and an Organization (O=) attribute. Other DN attributes are optional. For non-End-Entity CA certificates (Basic Constraints CA boolean = TRUE), the Common Name attribute shall include the text string "SHAKEN" and also indicate whether the certificate is a root or intermediate certificate (e.g., CN=SHAKEN root). The Common Name attribute of an End-Entity certificate shall contain the text string “SHAKEN”, followed by a single space, followed by the SPC value identified in the TNAuthList of the End-Entity certificate (e.g., "CN=SHAKEN 1234"). The Organization (O=) attribute shall include a legal name of the service provider in order to facilitate traceback and operations. STI certificates shall include an Issuer field. For root certificates, the Issuer field shall match the certificate’s Subject field. For intermediate and End-Entity certificates, the Issuer field shall match the Subject field of the parent certificate.

"Subject" string combination must be unique for all valid certificates.

Example command line on generating certificates:

For regular SP certificate:

./dnl_acme_client -c ./acme_client.conf --spc ./123H.spc new_order ./private_key.pem 123H 0 0 C=US S=AZ L=Phoenix O="Company Name" CN="Company Name SHAKEN 123H" > 123H.pem

For SCA certificate:

./dnl_acme_client -c ./acme_client.conf --spc ./123H_CA.spc new_order --ca ./private_key.pem 123H 0 0 C=US S=AZ L=Phoenix O="Company Name" CN="Company Name Subordinate CA 123H" > 123H_CA.pem

You can use {not_before} and {not_after} field to set the validity period of the certificate you are generating.

If you put 0 to not_before and not_after variables, Peeringhub's ACME server will assume a one year validity.

However, if your Stir/Shaken subscription is expiring earlier than 1 year, then the certificate will end on the subscription expiration date.

There are many free online service that can convert date to timestamp for you. One such site is

Review downloaded certificate:

openssl x509 -text -noout -in ./123H.pem

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
        Issuer: C = US, O = Peeringhub Inc, OU = Certification Authorities, CN = Peeringhub Inc SHAKEN Intermediate CA 2
            Not Before: May 25 18:18:54 2022 GMT
            Not After : May 25 18:18:54 2023 GMT
        Subject: C = US, ST = AZ, L = Phoenix, O = Company Name, CN = Company Name SHAKEN 123H
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
                Public-Key: (256 bit)
                ASN1 OID: prime256v1
                NIST CURVE: P-256
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                Digital Signature
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:

            X509v3 Certificate Policies:
                Policy: 2.16.840.1.114569.1.1.1

            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points:

                Full Name:
                CRL Issuer:
                  DirName:L = Bridgewater, ST = NJ, CN = STI-PA CRL, C = US, O = STI-PA

    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256

Account management

Login and list active orders

login {EC key path}

./dnl_acme_client -c ./acme_client.conf login ./private_key.pem

Change account's access key

  1. Create new EC private key:

openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out ./new_private_key.pem
  1. Update key on server:

key_change {old key path} {new key path}

./dnl_acme_client -c ./acme_client.conf key_change ./private_key.pem ./new_private_key.pem

Deactivate account

deactivate {EC key path}

./dnl_acme_client -c ./acme_client.conf deactivate ./private_key.pem

Last updated